To Dilino……..Greece
Meaning το δειλινό: Sunset
Pronunciation: Dee lee no
Choreography: Jim Gold in Greek folk dance style
Music: Constantin Paravanos: Greece (Music Around the World)
To Dilino: Jim Gold teaching/dancing
Written Choreography for To Dilino
Formation: Open circle, hands in W or V position as indicated
Meter: 7/8 counted S/q/q. (S=3, q=2, q=2: Total cts 7) , Third Step: and 7/8 q/q/S
(Note: S can be broken up into 2 and 1. See THIRD STEP)
Style: Springy
Introduction; 8 measures
Moving LOD, CCW, facing ctr. Hands in W position (Solo leader arms T position)
1 Step R to rt(ct s), step L behind R(ct q). Step R to rt(ct q),
2 Cross L over R(ct s), step R next to L(ct q), step L fwd(ct q)
2 back pas de bas
3 Step R to rt(ct s), step L behind R(ct q), step R in place(ct q)
4 Repeat meas 3 opp dir, opp ft
Into ctr and back (Solo leaders arms in W position)
1 Step R fwd(ct s), step L next to R(ct q), step R fwd(ct q)
2 Repeat meas 1 opp ft
Back pas de bas
3 Step R to rt(ct s), step L behind R(ct q), step R in place(ct q)
4 Repeat meas 3 opp dir, opp ft
5-6 Repeat meas 1-2 moving back
7 Repeat meas 3
8 Step on L(ct s). Hands move to V position.
Meter changes to 8/8. Arms V position.
7 crossing steps (cherkesia 7) and rest. (Leader: arms out in T position)
1 Cross R front of L(ct 1), L in place L(ct 2), back on R(ct 3), L in place(ct 4),
fwd on R(ct 5), L in place (ct 6), step on R to L(ct 7-8)
7 sides CW
2 Step L to lft(ct 1), step R behind L(ct 2), step L to lft(ct 3). R behind L(ct 4)
Step L to lft(ct 5), step R behind L(ct 6), step on L(ct 7-8)
3 Repeat meas 1
4 Repeat meas 2, tch R toe(ct 7-8)
5-8 Repeat meas 1-4
9 Tch R toe next to L(1-2)
1. First Step: 2x, Second Step:1x,Third Step: 1x