Sendero Triste …….Cuba
Dance Meaning: Sad Path
Pronunciation: Sendero Trist e
Choreography: Jim Gold in Cubano-Salsa style
Music: Grupo Polo Montanez from Cuba
Sendero Triste: Jim Gold teaching/dancing
Written Choreography for Sendero Triste
Formation: Line dance formation, hands free
Meter: 2/4
Introduction: 10 meas (or Fourth Step)
Box step
1 Fwd on R(ct 1), L next to R(ct &), R(ct 2)
2 L to lft(ct 1), R next to L(ct &), L(ct 2)
3 Back on R(ct 1), back on L(ct 2)
4 R to rt(ct 1), L next to R(ct &), R(ct 2)
5-8 Repeat meas 1-4 opp ft opp dir
Walks, two-steps, crossing step, turn CW
9 Walk R(ct 1), L(ct 2)
10 R(ct 1),L(ct &), R(ct 2)
11 Walk L(ct 1), R(ct 2)
12 L(ct 1),R(ct &),L(ct 2)
Crossing step and turn
13 Cross R over L(ct 1), step L in place(ct &),
Step R next to L(ct 2)
14 Repeat meas 13 opp ft opp dir
15 Turn lft in two steps: R(ct 1), L(ct 2)
16 Cross R over L(ct 1), step L in place(ct &),
Tch R next to L, no weight(ct 2)
17-32 Repeat meas 1-18
Into ctr
1 Step fwd on R(ct 1),step L in place(ct &),
Step in place on R(ct 2)
2 Repeat meas 1 back opp ft opp dir
3-4 Repeat meas 1-2
5-6 8-step grapevine CW RLRL RLRL step
fwd and back lift
7 Step fwd on R(ct 1), lift (or step L(ct 2)
8 Step back on R(ct 1), lft (or step) R(ct 2)
9-14 Repeat meas1-6 of Third Step
Crossing steps
15 Cross R over L(ct 1), step L in place(ct &),
Step R next to L(ct 2)
16 Repeat meas 15 opp ft opp dir
10 Sides
1-2 Step R to rt(ct 1), close L to rt(ct 2) (a la Mambo step)
3-10 Repeat meas 1 4x
1. First Step: 2x,
2. Second Step: 2x, Third Step: 1x
3. First Step: 2x, Third Step: 1x
4. First Step: 2x,
5. Second Step: 2x,
6. First Step: 2x, Third Step: 1x,