Folk Dancing with Jim Gold
♦ Fun, excitement, growth, exhilaration, expansion
♦ Meet new people. No partners needed.
♦ Beautiful music to fire your soles.
♦ Bring your friends, terpsichorean focus, and good spirits
♦ Air conditioned! Lots of COOL folk dancing!
♦ Download folk dance music, dance instructions,
and YouTube video links: click HERE.
International folk dancing strengthens the body, frees the mind, and elevates the spirit!
Tensions vanish as you learn dances from Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Israel, Hungary, Serbia,
Slovakia, Croatia, Russia, Romania, United States, and more. Folk dance promotes fun cell growth while releasing folkloric endorphins of happiness.
Join us! Start your fun high today.
Monday in Teaneck, NJ
Location: Ethical Culture Society: 687 Larch Ave, Teaneck, NJ
Folk Dancing with Jim Gold Monday at Ethical Culture
Day/Time: Monday: 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Dates: Dancing every Monday night. (For exceptions, and all folk dance information, put yourself on our Monday night email list. Send me your email address. We’d love to have you join us.
Fees: $10 per class
Driving directions: Ethical Culture Society: 687 Larch Ave, Teaneck, NJ Take Route 4 River Road exit in Teaneck. Follow ramp, make left onto exit road. At light, turn right onto River Road. Follow River Rd. past Cedar Lane (traffic light) to North St. (3rd street on the left). Turn left on North St. up the hill to Larch Ave.
Joyous dancing promotes fun cell growth. Dances from Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Israel,
Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Russia, Romania, United States, and more.
Wednesday in Teaneck, NJ
Location: Richard Rodda Center, 250 Colonial Court
Day/Time: Meets every Wednesday: 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Dates and fees: Registration for 10 week sessions only.
Folk dancing strengthens body, mind, spirit, and releases endorphins of happiness and longevity!
Join us! Start your fun high today!