Dance of the Week
Reel du Panier
(Music from Canada)
Choreographed by Jim Gold
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Reel du Panier is the Dance of the Week.
Music is from the Ukraine
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Reel du Panier danced by Jim Gold
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Dance Meaning: Basket Reel
Pronunciation: Reel doo pan-YEI
Choreography: By Jim Gold using folk dance elements from Cajun/French Canadian, Bulgaria (Pravo), Croatia (lame. duck step), and Hungary (Pontozo) dance styles.
Style: Fusion style. Free hands. Arms down.
Music: Barachois: French Cajun Band
Formation: Open circle, hold hands, arms down in V position.
On fourth step, hands free, arms held high, snap fingers.
Meter: 2/4
Jim Gold Youtube video:
Introduction: 8 measures. Or start immediately. No introduction.
Into ctr diag right (Canadian Pravo)
1 2 two-steps: L (ct 1), R(ct &), L (ct 2)
2 Repeat meas. 1 using opp ft
Move diag right out of circle
3 Cross L over R (ct 1)
Step R to the right side (ct 2)
4 Repeat meas. 3
5-6 Repeat meas. 1-2
Move diag right with cross step out of circle
7 Cross L over R (ct 1), step R to the right side (ct &), cross L over R (ct 2)
Step R to the right side (ct &)
8 Repeat measure 7
Moving CCW (Croatian lame duck)
1 Step on L (ct 1), lift R in a sweep step (ct 2)
2 Step on R (ct 1), L behind R (ct &), step on R (ct 2)
3-4 Repeat meas. 1-2
5-6 Repeat meas. 1-2
7 Step on L (ct 1), lift R in a big sweep step, quarter turn, face ctr (ct 2)
8 Step on R (ct 1), step on (L ct 2)
Four clog-shuffle steps
1 Brush R toe forward (ct ½ &)
Brush R toe back (ct ½ &), step on R ft (ct 1)
Brush L toe forward (ct ½ &)
Brush L toe back (ct ½ &), step on L ft. (ct 2)
2 Brush R toe forward (ct ½ &)
Brush R toe back (ct ½ &), step on R ft (ct 1)
Brush L toe forward (ct ½ &)
Brush L toe back (ct ½ &), step on L ft (ct 2)
8-step crossing (Canadian Cherkassia step)
3 Cross R front of L (ct 1), step on L in place(ct &), step on R to side of L (ct 2)
Step on L in place (ct &)
4 Repeat measure 3
5-6 Repeat meas. 1-2 (clogging step)
7-step crossing: (Cherkessia step)
7 Cross R front of L (ct 1), step on L in place (ct &)
Step on R to side of L (ct 2), step on L in place (ct &)
8 Cross R front of L (ct 1), step on L in place (ct &), Step on R (ct 2)
French Canadian Pontozo Step: Arms held high snap fingers
1 Step slightly forward on L (ct 1)
Lift R with ronde de jambe turning R hip slightly forward (ct 2)
2 Stamp R heel forward(no weight) with R toe facing diag left (ct 1)
Stamp R heel forward (no weight) with R toe facing diag right (ct &)
Stamp R heel forward (no weight) with R toe facing diag left (ct 2)
Stamp R heel forward (no weight) with R toe facing diag right (ct &)
3 Step forward on R (ct 1), lift L with ronde de jambe
Turning left hip slightly forward (ct 2)
4 Repeat of meas. 2 with opp ft
Stamp L heel forward (no weight) with left toe
Facing diag right (ct 1)
Stamp L heel forward (no weight) with left toe facing diag left (ct &)
Stamp L heel forward (no weight) with L toe facing diag right (ct 2)
Stamp L heel forward (no weight) with L toe facing diag left (ct &)
5-6 Repeat meas. 1-2
7 step grapevine to left, CW
7 Step on R in front of L (ct 1)
Step on L to left side of R (ct &)
Step R behind L (ct 2)
Step L to left side of R (ct &)
8 Step on R in front of L (ct 1)
Step L to left side of R (ct &)
Step R next to L (ct 2)
First Step: 2x, Second Step: 1x
Third Step: 1x, Fourth Step: 1x
Then repeat pattern until end