Dance of the Week
(music from Romania)
Choreographed by Jim Gold
Dear Dancers and Travelers,
Welcome to our folk dance family!
Mulţumesc is the Dance of the Week.
Music is from Romania.
Click on the links below.
See A Treasury of International Folk Dances
Written instructions: p 127.
Mulţsumesc danced by Jim Gold
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Dance Meaning: Thank You
Pronunciation: Multsumesk
Choreography: by Jim Gold in Romanian folk dance style.
Music: Unknown
Formation: Line
Meter: 2/4
Jim Gold YouTube video:
Introduction: Talking. Then 8 measure music intro.
Striding: Broad walking steps. swing arms from shoulders
elbows straight, move CCW in circle
1 Step R (ct 1), Step L (ct 2)
2-8 Repeat meas 1 7x
Move CCW in the circle: Two back pas de bas and walks
1 Step R (ct 1), step L behind R (ct &), step R (ct 2), arms move to rt in windshield wiper movement.
2 Repeat meas 1, but arms move left
3-4 Walk 4 steps, arms swing: R (ct 1), L (ct 2), R (ct 1), L (ct 2)
5-16 Repeat meas 1-4 3x
“Knead the dough”: Walk CCW in circle with “Knead dough” movement
1 Step R (ct 1), left arm straight fwd palm up, rt arm straight fwd palm down.
Step L (ct 2), reverse arms (left arm straight fwd palm down, rt arm straight fwd palm up)
2-4 Repeat meas 1 3x
5-8 Repeat meas 1-2
9-12 Repeat meas 1-2 2x of SECOND STEP
13-16 Repeat meas 1-4
Romanian basic hora: Moving like a V diag fwd and diag back. Hands in V position.
1 Step R diag fwd (ct 1), step L (ct 2).
2 Step R (ct 1), tch L next to R (ct 2)
3 Step L diag back (ct 1), step R (ct 2)
Step L (ct 1), tch R next to L (ct 2)
Sides and 8-step grapevine: (Solo dancing: Arms in T formation)
1 Face ctr. Step R to rt (ct 1), L behind R (ct 2)
2 R to rt (ct 1), stamp L (ct 2)
3 Step L to lft (ct 1), R behind L (ct 2)
4 L to lft (ct 1), lift R (ct 2)
5-6 R over L (ct 1), L to side (ct 2), R behind L (ct 1), L to side (ct 2)
7-8 R over L (ct 1), L to side (ct 2), R behind L (ct 1), L to side (ct 2)
9-16: Repeat meas 1-8
Calusari step: (Solo dancing: Hands on hips)
1 Hop on R, lift L (ct 1), step R (ct &), step on 2 (ct 2)
2 Repeat meas 1
3 Cross R over L (ct 1), step on L in place (ct 2)
4 Step R next to L (ct 1), step on L in place (ct 2)
5-6 Repeat meas 1-2
Hop and run in place 7 steps.
7-8: Hop on L (ct 1), step on R (ct &), L (ct 2), R (ct &)
L (ct 1), R (ct &), L (ct 2), R (ct &)
9-12: Repeat meas 1-4
13-14: Repeat meas 1-2
15-16: Repeat meas. 7-8
Slow First Part: Order as written above
Second Part: First Step: 4x, Second Step: 2x, Third Step: 1x
First step: 4x, Second Step 2x, Third Step 1x
Speeds up: First step: 4x, Second Step 2x, Third Step 1x
All content created by Jim Gold.
More information contact Jim
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