Dance of the Week
(Yiddish Music from Slovakia)
Choreographed by Jim Gold
Dear Dancers and Travelers,
Welcome to our folk dance family!
Komaroni is the Dance of the Week.
Music is Yiddish from Slovakia.
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Written instructions: p 101.
Komaroni danced by Jim Gold
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Dance Meaning: Name of town on Danube in Slovakia
Pronunciation: KO-maroni
Choreography: By Jim Gold in Klezmer folk dance style.
Music: Carpati: Yale Strom.
Commentary: Beautiful accordion playing by Peter Stan, the wonderful clarinet and sopranino is by Norbert Stachel, superb guitar by Fred Benedetti and solid bass by Jeff Pekarek. These musicians are all part of Yale Strom & Hot Pstromi. Wonderful choreography to a Rom folk melody often performed by klezmer musicians in Slovakia.
Formation: Open circle. Arms in W position.
Meter: 4/4
Jim Gold YouTube video:
Introduction: 4 measures
Moving into ctr, diagonally rightward
1 2 two-steps: R (ct 1), L (ct &), R(ct 2)
L (ct 3), R (ct &), L( ct 4)
2 lift steps
2 Step on R (ct 1), lift L (ct 2)
step L (ct 3), lift R (ct 4)
Moving out of ctr, diagonally rightward
3 R (ct 1), L (ct 2), R (ct 3), L (ct 4)
2 Lifts steps
4 Step on R (ct 1), lift L (ct 2)
step L (ct 3), lift R (ct 4)
Moving straight into ctr
5 2 two-steps: R (ct 1), L (ct &), R (ct 2)
L (ct 3), R (ct &), L (ct 4)
2 lift steps
5 Step on R (ct 1), lift L (ct 2)
step L (ct 3), lift R (ct 4)
Moving out of ctr
7 R over L (ct 1), step on L (ct 2)
R over L (ct 3), step on L (ct 4)
Continue out of circle with a 3-step grapevine
8 Cross R over L (ct 1), step on L in place (ct 2)
Step on R next to L (ct 3), step on L in place (ct 4)
Grapevine to the left, CW
9 Cross R over L (ct 1)
step on L to side of R (ct 2)
step on R behind L (ct 3)
step on L to side of R (ct 4)
10 Repeat meas. 9
11 Step on R (ct 1), lift L (ct 2)
Step on L in place (ct 3), kick and point R ft fwd (ct 4)
12 Gypsy turn: Put R heel on floor in front of L ft, turn slowly left (ct 1-4)
All content created by Jim Gold.
More information contact Jim
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